Pekingese: A Comprehensive Guide For Travel-Loving Dog Owners

Pekingese: A Comprehensive Guide For Travel-Loving Dog Owners

Are you a dedicated dog owner with an insatiable wanderlust, but the thought of leaving your cherished Pekingese behind in an expensive and impersonal boarding facility fills you with dread? Worry not! In this in-depth article, we embark on a journey to explore everything there is to know about Pekingese dogs, covering a wide range of topics from their unique physical characteristics to valuable training tips. Plus, we'll introduce you to an innovative dog boarding community that allows you to connect with trustworthy dog sitters while you're away. So, fasten your seatbelts and get ready to delve into the captivating world of Pekingese!

Pekingese Physical Characteristics

The Pekingese breed is renowned for its captivating physical attributes that set them apart from other dogs:

Luxurious Double Coat

Pekingese dogs boast a remarkable double coat. This consists of a soft, downy undercoat and a long, flowing topcoat, giving them an appearance akin to canine royalty. Their exquisite coat demands regular grooming to maintain its splendor.

Flat Face

Perhaps one of the most distinctive features of Pekingese dogs is their flat, brachycephalic face. This charming facial structure lends them an endearing, almost regal expression that tugs at the heartstrings of anyone lucky enough to gaze upon them.

Small Stature

Pekingese belong to the toy breed category, characterized by their diminutive size. On average, they stand at a mere 6 to 9 inches at the shoulder, making them the perfect compact companions for travel.

Plume-Like Tail

Adding to their elegance, Pekingese dogs carry a plume-like tail that gracefully arches over their back. This tail is yet another element of their majestic appearance.

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Pekingese Size

Pekingese dogs may be small in size, but they possess enormous personalities that will capture your heart:

  • Height: On average, Pekingese dogs measure approximately 6 to 9 inches at the shoulder. Their compact stature makes them easy to transport and cuddle.
  • Weight: Typically, Pekingese dogs tip the scales at a range of 7 to 14 pounds, making them light enough to accompany you on your travels.

Pekingese Personality

Pekingese dogs are not only distinguished by their captivating appearance but also by their charming personalities:

Loyal Companions

Above all, Pekingese dogs are celebrated for their unwavering loyalty. They form deep, meaningful bonds with their owners and are known for their devotion.

Independent Thinkers

Despite their loyalty, Pekingese dogs also have a strong independent streak. This unique trait can present challenges in training but adds to their distinctive charm.

Affectionate Nature

Contrary to their independent tendencies, Pekingese dogs are profoundly affectionate. They relish cuddle time with their owners and actively seek out physical affection.

Alert Watch Dogs

Surprisingly, Pekingese dogs possess a keen sense of awareness, making them excellent watchdogs. Their distinctive bark serves as an early warning system for any potential intruders.

Pekingese Exercise

Understanding the exercise needs of your Pekingese is paramount to ensuring their health and happiness:

Moderate Exercise

Pekingese dogs do not require extensive exercise routines. Short daily walks and a bit of playtime are sufficient to keep them content and in good shape.

Caution In Heat

Due to their flat faces, Pekingese dogs are more susceptible to overheating. Thus, it's essential to exercise caution, especially during hot weather, to ensure their well-being.

Pekingese Training

Training your Pekingese can be an immensely rewarding experience if you approach it with patience and consistency:

Positive Reinforcement

Utilize positive reinforcement techniques such as treats, praise, and affection to motivate your Pekingese during training sessions.

Early Socialization

Initiate socialization at an early age to prevent shyness or aggression later in life. Exposing them to various people, animals, and situations is vital.

House Training

Be prepared for potentially protracted house training, as Pekingese dogs can exhibit stubbornness in mastering this skill.

Pekingese History

The history of the Pekingese breed is steeped in legend and royalty, dating back over a thousand years to ancient China. Here's a brief overview of their captivating history:

Imperial Companionship

Pekingese dogs were cherished companions of Chinese royalty, particularly during the Tang and Ming dynasties. They were revered as sacred animals and enjoyed a life of luxury within the imperial palace.

Breeding Secrecy

The breeding of Pekingese was a well-guarded secret, with severe penalties for revealing breeding techniques. This aura of mystique added to their allure.

Lion-Like Appearance

Pekingese were bred to resemble guardian lions, which were considered sacred in Chinese mythology. Their distinctive mane-like coat and regal appearance pay homage to this tradition.

Western Recognition

Pekingese dogs were first introduced to the Western world during the 19th century when British forces looted the Summer Palace in Beijing. These lovable dogs quickly gained popularity in Europe and North America.

Continued Admiration

To this day, Pekingese dogs are celebrated for their historical significance, regal demeanor, and enduring charm.

Pekingese Health Problems

Pekingese dogs, like all breeds, are prone to certain health concerns. Being informed about these issues is essential for their overall health and happiness:

  • Brachycephalic Concerns: Due to their flat faces, Pekingese are prone to brachycephalic-related problems, such as breathing difficulties and overheating. Keep them cool and avoid strenuous exercise in hot weather.
  • Eye Problems: Pekingese are susceptible to various eye conditions, including cataracts and progressive retinal atrophy. Regular eye check-ups are crucial.
  • Joint Issues: Their small stature can make them prone to joint problems like luxating patellas. Maintain a healthy weight and consider joint supplements as recommended by your veterinarian.
  • Dental Health: Pekingese may suffer from dental issues due to their brachycephalic structure. Regular dental care, including brushing and dental chews, can help prevent problems.
  • Heart Disease: Some Pekingese can be at risk of heart diseases, such as mitral valve disease. Regular veterinary check-ups and a heart-healthy diet are important.

How To Care For The Pekingese

Caring for a Pekingese involves a holistic approach that encompasses various aspects to ensure their overall well-being and happiness. Here are some key considerations to provide exceptional care for your cherished Pekingese:

Regular Exercise

While Pekingese dogs don't require extensive exercise, they do benefit from daily walks and playtime to keep them mentally and physically stimulated. These activities also provide an opportunity for bonding between you and your furry friend.

Comfortable Living

Due to their small size, Pekingese are well-suited for apartment living. Ensure they have a comfortable living space with access to their favorite toys and a cozy bed where they can relax.

Nutritious Diet

Consult your veterinarian to determine the best diet for your Pekingese, taking into account their age, activity level, and any specific health concerns. A balanced diet is key to their overall health and vitality.

Grooming Routine

Maintaining a regular grooming routine is essential for Pekingese dogs. Their luxurious double coat requires frequent brushing to prevent mats and tangles. Additionally, they may need periodic baths, especially if they enjoy outdoor adventures.

Nutrition And Feeding For The Pekingese

Proper nutrition is the cornerstone of your Pekingese's health and longevity. To ensure they receive optimal nutrition, consider the following guidelines:

Consult Your Vet

Start by consulting your veterinarian to determine the ideal diet for your Pekingese. Your vet will consider factors such as their age, activity level, and any specific health concerns to recommend the most suitable food.

High-Quality Dog Food

Choose a high-quality commercial dog food that meets your Pekingese's nutritional requirements. Look for options specifically formulated for small breeds, as these take into account their unique dietary needs.

Portion Control

Be mindful of portion sizes to prevent overfeeding and weight gain, which can be a concern in small breeds like Pekingese. Follow the feeding guidelines provided on the dog food packaging or your veterinarian's recommendations.

Regular Feeding Schedule

Establish a consistent feeding schedule to help regulate your Pekingese's metabolism and digestive system. Most dogs thrive on a routine, and this can also aid in house training and potty training.

Fresh Water

Ensure that your Pekingese has access to clean, fresh water at all times. Proper hydration is essential for their overall health and well-being.

Pekingese Grooming Tips

Grooming your Pekingese is not just a practical necessity; it's also a delightful bonding experience between you and your beloved pet. To keep your Pekingese looking their best, consider these grooming tips:

Regular Brushing

Pekingese dogs have a luxurious double coat that demands regular brushing. Aim to brush their coat at least a few times a week to prevent mats and tangles. Use a soft-bristle brush to avoid harming their delicate skin. Brushing not only keeps their coat in excellent condition but also strengthens your bond.


While Pekingese dogs don't need frequent baths, you should bathe them as needed, typically every 4-6 weeks or when they become dirty or odorous. Use a gentle, dog-specific shampoo to maintain the health and cleanliness of their coat. Be sure to rinse thoroughly to remove all shampoo residue.

Eye Care

Due to their facial structure, Pekingese dogs may be prone to tear staining. To prevent unsightly stains, clean their eyes regularly with a damp cloth or a gentle, veterinarian-recommended eye cleaner. This routine not only enhances their appearance but also ensures their comfort.

Dental Hygiene

Dental health is essential for all dogs, including Pekingese. Brush your Pekingese's teeth regularly with a dog-specific toothbrush and toothpaste. Dental chews and toys can also aid in maintaining oral health. Good dental hygiene not only prevents bad breath but also reduces the risk of dental disease.

Ear Cleaning

Regularly inspect and clean your Pekingese's ears as needed. Use a veterinarian-approved ear cleaner and cotton balls to gently clean the ears, being cautious not to push debris further into the ear canal. Proper ear care helps prevent infections and discomfort.

Nail Trimming

Keep your Pekingese nails at an appropriate length to ensure their comfort and mobility. If you're unsure about nail trimming, consult a professional groomer or your veterinarian for guidance. Long nails can lead to discomfort and even affect their gait.

Final Thoughts On Pekingese

We've embarked on an enchanting journey through the world of Pekingese dogs, from their regal history to essential care tips for these beloved companions. As you continue to cherish your Pekingese and seek ways to provide them with the best possible care, remember that at WoofyClub, we understand the love and devotion you have for your furry friend. Our mission is to make your dog-parenting experience even more extraordinary.

At WoofyClub, we connect dog parents with caring families willing to watch your dogs when you need it, all free of charge. It's a community of passionate dog lovers who understand the bond you share with your Pekingese and are eager to lend a helping hand when you're away.

So, why not take the next step in ensuring your Pekingese's happiness and well-being? Sign up at WoofyClub today, and discover a network of fellow dog enthusiasts who will provide your beloved Pekingese with the love and care they deserve, allowing you to enjoy your travels and adventures with peace of mind.

Frequently Asked Questions About Pekingese

Are Pekingese good for families with children?

Pekingese can indeed make wonderful family pets, but it's crucial to supervise interactions with children. Their small size and independent nature may not tolerate rough handling.

Do Pekingese shed a lot?

Yes, Pekingese dogs do shed, particularly during seasonal changes. Regular grooming, including brushing, can help manage their shedding.

Are Pekingese good travel companions?

Pekingese dogs can indeed make excellent travel companions, provided you plan ahead for their comfort and safety. Their small size makes them easy to transport, and with the right preparations, they'll happily accompany you on your adventures, adding an extra layer of joy to your journeys.

What is the average lifespan of a Pekingese?

On average, Pekingese dogs have a lifespan of 12 to 15 years when properly cared for, ensuring many years of companionship and joy.

Can Pekingese dogs live in apartments?

Yes, Pekingese dogs adapt well to apartment living due to their small size and moderate exercise requirements. However, they still need daily exercise and mental stimulation to thrive.

Do Pekingese get along with other pets?

With proper socialization and training, Pekingese dogs can coexist harmoniously with other pets. However, they may exhibit dominant tendencies, so monitoring their interactions is essential.

Are Pekingese high-maintenance dogs?

Pekingese do require some maintenance due to their long, luxurious coat and potential health concerns. However, their loving companionship makes the effort worthwhile for dedicated owners.

Do Pekingese bark a lot?

Pekingese dogs can be vocal and may bark to alert you to any perceived threats or changes in their environment. Proper training can help manage their barking behavior.

Can Pekingese be trained to do tricks?

Absolutely! Pekingese dogs are intelligent and can learn a variety of tricks. However, their independent nature may require extra patience and consistent training. Training sessions can also serve as mental stimulation, keeping them engaged and happy.

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