Dog Boarding near Perry Hall, MD

There are 8+ dog families near Perry Hall, MD looking to exchange dog boarding favors

How It Works

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Request care

Submit a request for the dates you need assistance with. We send out your request to the best matches based on your preferences.

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Meet local dog parents

Meet your matches for a playdate to make sure the dogs get along. If all goes well, confirm the swap with them!

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Board your dog

Drop off your dog with the host family and get updates from them throughout your travels. Enjoy your vacation worry-free!

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Return the favor!

Next time they need to travel, return the favor and host their pup at your home.

Loving families available for dog sitting

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Perry Hall, MD

  Breed: Golden Retriever

  Weight: 80 lbs

  Age: 9 years old

  Gender: Male

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Perry Hall, MD

  Breed: Goldendoodle

  Weight: 50 lbs

  Age: 2 years old

  Gender: Female

Taffy is very well trained and well mannered but is still a wild puppy at times. She loves walks on a leash & to play tug in the house.

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Perry Hall, MD

  Breed: Standard Poodle

  Weight: 40 lbs

  Age: 1 year old

  Gender: Male

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Perry Hall, MD

  Breed: Jack Russell Terrier

  Weight: 30 lbs

  Age: 4 years old

  Gender: Female

Daisy loves to play with my 3-year-old grandson. They are best friends. We adopted Daisy during COVID and have loved every minute with this sweet girl. She's so funny too!! She guards her park from our deck, which overlooks.

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Perry Hall, MD

  Breed: Olde English Bulldogge

  Weight: 80 lbs

  Age: 4 years old

  Gender: Male

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Perry Hall, MD

  Breed: Poodle

  Weight: 5 lbs

  Age: 3 years old

  Gender: Female

Brought Millie home after Covid. She gets more attention than my husband and daughter now. She’s always by my side. Never left her alone at home. Always with one of us or with sitter

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Perry Hall, MD

  Breed: Goldendoodle

  Weight: 15 lbs

  Age: 1 year old

  Gender: Female

Being a tiger owner (yes, we don’t use dad), Millie loves other people more, especially girls. She was always so excited about their high-pitched voice. She will keep jumping around you and maybe a little barking. Depending on the dog, she needs some time to get comfortable to play with. Millie is well trained, like leash walking, sitting for everything, staying until free command, and crate for naps. She requires low exercise, twice a day, and loves to play fetch and tug. She barks occasionally when she hears or sees something; we try to ignore it. We are blessed to have such a good girl. 

Picture of dogs


Perry Hall, MD

  Breed: Goldendoodle

  Weight: 15 lbs

  Age: 1 year old

  Gender: Male

Hello. We are the Owners of our puppy Ranger and just heard about this app. With not much family to help with dog sitting we are interested in seeing if people in our area start joining this app.

Exchange dog boarding with loving neighbors in Perry Hall

“There’s nowhere else I get to choose both the family AND the dog that will accompany mine!”

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Connect with local families for free dog boarding

You're in luck! Perry Hall, MD has a few at-home dog boarders. They range from cage-free or crate-free environments to parents who strictly believe in postitive-reinforcement. These are families that are looking to exchange dog boarding responsiblities. Join our community today to form your network of dog parents to rely on when you leave for vacation next!

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