Dog Boarding near North Bend, WA

There are 12+ dog families near North Bend, WA looking to exchange dog boarding favors

How It Works

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Request care

Submit a request for the dates you need assistance with. We send out your request to the best matches based on your preferences.

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Meet local dog parents

Meet your matches for a playdate to make sure the dogs get along. If all goes well, confirm the swap with them!

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Board your dog

Drop off your dog with the host family and get updates from them throughout your travels. Enjoy your vacation worry-free!

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Return the favor!

Next time they need to travel, return the favor and host their pup at your home.

Loving families available for dog sitting

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Garce & Honey

North Bend, WA

  Breed: Lab mix

  Weight: 85 lbs

  Age: 6 years old

  Gender: Female

  Breed: Beagle/ pointer

  Weight: 30 lbs

  Age: 1 year old

  Gender: Female

Mom of two dogs and three year old twins. We love being outside!

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North Bend, WA

  Breed: Mixed Breed

  Weight: 30 lbs

  Age: 1 year old

  Gender: Male

We adopted Mac (full name Macaroni) from Seattle Humane in January. They had him listed as a lab mix but we are guessing some pit in there as well as some other breeds. He is still very much a puppy but has been picking up new skills rapidly and has a good nap and sleep schedule, sleeps through the night 9pm-7am in his crate and naps 2-3 times in crate or dog bed. 99% potty trained (no accidents in last two weeks but don’t want to jinx it!), is already neutered and up to date on vaccines. He loves being in the backyard running around and playing ball, tugging on toys or chewing on sticks. He still has puppy teeth and some mouthing that can usually be redirected to a toy. He has only been able to meet a few other dogs so far but has loved them all and very excited to play and wrestle around. Very sweet boy and we love him!

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North Bend, WA

  Breed: Labrador Retriever

  Weight: 50 lbs

  Age: 4 years old

  Gender: Female

Stella is the sweetest little black lab pup. She’s a little shy at first, but once she warms up she can be pretty silly and will get the zoomies. I work full time in Seattle and live in North Bend, there are days where I would love her to be able to hang out with other dogs and families so she’s gets more exposure but at a lower scale of a few dogs.

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North Bend, WA

  Breed: Yorkshire Terrier

  Weight: 15 lbs

  Age: 2 years old

  Gender: Male

Milo is a fun loving pup who loves a good snuggle. He is the definition of lap dog and will take any love he can get. His favorite activity is to sun bath and enjoys being in the great outdoors with his family!

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North Bend, WA

  Breed: Standard Poodle

  Weight: 45 lbs

  Age: 1 year old

  Gender: Male

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North Bend, WA

  Breed: Golden Shepherd

  Weight: 70 lbs

  Age: 12 years old

  Gender: Male

We have three loving male dogs. Lou is a 12yo golden husky that has tons of personality and still has tons of gas in the tank. Javi is a 4yo staffy mix from Cabo San Lucas, Mx. loves to play and has become ball obsessed. Rocko is our foster fail baby. He’s 2yo full staffy and I have never met a dog that loves human love more than this dog.

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North Bend, WA

  Breed: German Shepherd

  Weight: 80 lbs

  Age: 2 years old

  Gender: Male

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North Bend, WA

  Breed: Yorkshire Terrier

  Weight: 5 lbs

  Age: 5 years old

  Gender: Female

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Charley & Amos

North Bend, WA

  Breed: Cocker Spaniel

  Weight: 35 lbs

  Age: 10 years old

  Gender: Male

  Breed: Cavachon

  Weight: 20 lbs

  Age: 2 years old

  Gender: Male

We are a close knit family of four with our two dogs Charley and Amos. We go on multiple walks daily and dogs are integrated into our daily lives. Amos is more shy and likes to bark at strangers. But is a real cuddle bug once your in his pack. Charley likes to watch for and bark at passing trucks and people. He’s likes to play ball. He’s the more social of the two.

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North Bend, WA

  Breed: German Shepherd

  Weight: 50 lbs

  Age: 1 year old

  Gender: Female

Hi! We are the Frank family and are looking for doggy play date exchanges (because to Paisleys disappointment.. we can’t live at the dog park). We live on 3/4 acres so have a large fully fenced yard with plenty of room to play. I work from home 1 to 2 days per week so can keep an eye on them, then when I go out to work I could drop her off to you! Paisley is just over 1 years old and full of energy. She has been to all the puppy training classes and 2 weeks of board and train. She knows all of her commands (but is still a puppy so is far from perfect.. we’re working on it!)

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North Bend, WA

  Breed: Siberian Husky

  Weight: 65 lbs

  Age: 4 years old

  Gender: Male

We are a family of four, Mom, Dad, teenager and our Husky/Pit mix, Diogee (pronounced D-O-G). I am a stay at home mom, so there are typically not long stints where pets are left alone. Diogee is chill and independent when it is just he and his humans. When there is another dog, he loves to play and play rough. He adapts well to smaller dogs for short stays, but does best with play-matched partners for long stays. He is very loving and agreeable, but can get excited and jumpy if he does not get enough exercise.

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North Bend, WA

  Breed: Labradoodle

  Weight: 30 lbs

  Age: 5 years old

  Gender: Female

Hi! We (Geoff and Wendy) are new empty nesters with 2 dogs. Zoey (labradoodle) and Finn (golden retriever). We love to take walks with our dogs. Zoey loves to hike and playing ball is her absolute favorite thing. Wendy works from home full time and Geoff 2 times per week. Fenced yard.

Exchange dog boarding with loving neighbors in North Bend

“There’s nowhere else I get to choose both the family AND the dog that will accompany mine!”

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You're in luck! North Bend, WA has a few at-home dog boarders. They range from cage-free or crate-free environments to parents who strictly believe in postitive-reinforcement. These are families that are looking to exchange dog boarding responsiblities. Join our community today to form your network of dog parents to rely on when you leave for vacation next!

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