Dog Boarding near Middleburg, VA

There are 1+ dog families near Middleburg, VA looking to exchange dog boarding favors

How It Works

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Request care

Submit a request for the dates you need assistance with. We send out your request to the best matches based on your preferences.

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Meet local dog parents

Meet your matches for a playdate to make sure the dogs get along. If all goes well, confirm the swap with them!

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Board your dog

Drop off your dog with the host family and get updates from them throughout your travels. Enjoy your vacation worry-free!

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Return the favor!

Next time they need to travel, return the favor and host their pup at your home.

Loving families available for dog sitting

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Middleburg, VA

  Breed: Greater Swiss Mountain Dog

  Weight: 50 lbs

  Age: 5 years old

  Gender: Female

Ava loves people and loves the out doors. She loves walks or being able to enjoy a run. She loves to sleep on her bed near people and loves having a back rub. She lives with us and we have been training her to be an emotional support support dog, so when she puts on her training jacket, she knows that she is “working”. She sleeps on our bed at times and also in her own bed near ours. In cold weather, she loves her warm blanket over her. She lets us know she does not like vacuum cleaners, trash cans being rolled by her and she can get scared of loud drilling sounds. Large men dressed in black colors with their hoods over their heads scare her. She was once left at a shelter 3 years ago where a man like this hurt her. She is not bothered by any other man. In fact, she senses they own a dog and she wants them to play with her. She loves playing catch with balls or her soft toys. She knows the commands of sit, stay, leave it,down, bed, go potty, and no. She sleeps most of the day, enjoys a time of exercise, has and excellent pattern of when she needs to eat, go outside to go to the bathroom, loves calmness, never chews anything in the house but loves her own toys to cuddle in her mouth. We love her dearly and keep her as being a good dog.

Exchange dog boarding with loving neighbors in Middleburg

“There’s nowhere else I get to choose both the family AND the dog that will accompany mine!”

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You're in luck! Middleburg, VA has a few at-home dog boarders. They range from cage-free or crate-free environments to parents who strictly believe in postitive-reinforcement. These are families that are looking to exchange dog boarding responsiblities. Join our community today to form your network of dog parents to rely on when you leave for vacation next!

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