Dog Boarding near Kent, WA

There are 7+ dog families near Kent, WA looking to exchange dog boarding favors

How It Works

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Request care

Submit a request for the dates you need assistance with. We send out your request to the best matches based on your preferences.

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Meet local dog parents

Meet your matches for a playdate to make sure the dogs get along. If all goes well, confirm the swap with them!

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Board your dog

Drop off your dog with the host family and get updates from them throughout your travels. Enjoy your vacation worry-free!

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Return the favor!

Next time they need to travel, return the favor and host their pup at your home.

Loving families available for dog sitting

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Kent, WA

  Breed: American Staffordshire Terrier

  Weight: 70 lbs

  Age: 1 year old

  Gender: Female

Hello! Remy and I are excited to be on this app. Remy is 1.5 years old and very high energy, she loves playing and loves dogs/cats! I am an animal lover and have been in the veterinary field for 6 years now.

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Kent, WA

  Breed: Bernese Mountain Dog

  Weight: 65 lbs

  Age: 1 year old

  Gender: Female

Hello, my name is Erin and I’m a flight attendant for Alaska Airlines part time and I work from home on my other days. I am often looking for help with my pup Shammy when I am out of town. She is just the sweetest girl, great at listening, loves everyone, and is pretty good at cuddling. I would love to find someone who I can trust to watch her and would trust me to watch their own loved one. I live in an apartment with 10 acres behind me and multiple walking trails, so there’s plenty of room for them to roam around.

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Kent, WA

  Breed: Corgi Jack Russell Mix

  Weight: 20 lbs

  Age: 6 years old

  Gender: Female

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Zola & Zaria

Kent, WA

  Breed: Old English Sheepdog

  Weight: 20 lbs

  Age: 1 year old

  Gender: Female

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Kent, WA

  Breed: Golden Retriever

  Weight: 70 lbs

  Age: 1 year old

  Gender: Male

Hi, I am Raisa mother to my big pup Mowgli. He is a goofball and very funny, smart, energetic and loving doggo. We recently welcomed our baby too do now Mowgli has become a responsible big brother to his small brother. He loves to play with other dogs and probably can play throughout the day bcz of his puppy energy. Trust me you will love having this handsome fella around you 🥰

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Jayden and Diva

Kent, WA

  Breed: Toy Poodle

  Weight: 10 lbs

  Age: 12 years old

  Gender: Male

They are basically human poodles, where they love being around people and not great with other furballs unless they are submissive. Most of the time they sleep all day. Only need 15 mins walk per day or with the black poodle she prefers to stay at home all day.

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Kent, WA

  Breed: Toy Poodle

  Weight: 10 lbs

  Age: 12 years old

  Gender: Female

We love fur babies. I do not work so I have a lot of time looking after Diva. We originally had two poodles but my boy passed away on 4 March 2024. Totally can’t accept what has happened to us. We are not ready for another dog but would love to experience what other breeds we are open to have in the future. I keep Diva very active around the house as she follows me everywhere. Luckily she does that or she would be putting on weight. I clean her teeth everyday or other days and bathe her once a month. She hates that except feeding time. I have to hide her monthly tablet in a banana and this helps. I have so much joy seeing Diva happy and content with life.

Exchange dog boarding with loving neighbors in Kent

“There’s nowhere else I get to choose both the family AND the dog that will accompany mine!”

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You're in luck! Kent, WA has a few at-home dog boarders. They range from cage-free or crate-free environments to parents who strictly believe in postitive-reinforcement. These are families that are looking to exchange dog boarding responsiblities. Join our community today to form your network of dog parents to rely on when you leave for vacation next!

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